Facebook Post on GPEW and Global Greens


The outcome of COP28 was as unsatisfactory as we all expected. Although there was agreement (at last !) to transition from fossil fuels this only applies to energy generation. There remains no firm commitment to stop using fossil fuels for transportation, construction, food production or anything else, and no commitment even to encourage people to move away from a meat-based diet.

Time is fast running out. In the meantime, Greens in the UK and elsewhere continue to focus on electoral advancement, based largely on a commitment to mitigate the worst effects of the Climate and Ecological Emergency on their own localities, regions and nation states. Such an approach is an unsatisfactory response to the scale of the emergency and imminent global catastrophe.

We would like to see greens leading governments across the planet. Realistically we know this isn’t going to happen in time. We will have to rely on existing world leaders, or their immediate successors, to take coherent and co-ordinated action at a global level, within the next year or two, to minimise the extent of the ecological disaster that the world faces, and to mitigate its impacts.

We need green global action to address the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Our compromised and often corrupt leaders, and our profit driven corporations, are not going to take anything like sufficient action without a gigantic, green and global campaign which forces them to do so.

Green Parties across the world can play a crucial role in building the movement required. The Green Party of England and Wales should commit to taking a lead in this, perhaps emphasising its particular responsibility to do so, given the UK’s history as the ‘first industrial nation’.

It should inject time effort and resources to increase the influence of the Global Greens, perhaps seeking to organise an online conference for Green Parties across the planet, with a view to drawing up a global manifesto equal to the task at hand. 

Such a conference might also commit to promoting public gatherings across the globe to coincide with COP29, scheduled to be held in another petro state, where participants should be left in no doubt that the whole world is watching.


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