The awfulness of Liz Truss provides an opportunity

 What Angela says below should surely be a key line of attack for all anti Tory parties in the run up to the next election. Who knows, along with a serious commitment to action on climate change and agreement on the need for electoral reform ( which hopefully Labour is going to support at its forthcoming conference) it might even be the basis for electoral co-operation ,if not a pact, although that will require Labour to accept that the SNP have the right to advocate independence, that the Lib Dems are allowed to ‘move on’ from their participation in Cameron’s first government and that the Green Party deserve to have more than one MP, great though she is. 

Angela Rayner, the Labour deputy leader, said: “No public service would be safe with Liz Truss in charge. She simply can’t be trusted to protect an NHS she doesn’t believe in or doctors she doesn’t value. The more people discover about Liz Truss, the more her true destructive agenda to slash frontline services and drag Britain backwards become clear.
“Liz Truss is a fantasist, totally out of touch and out of step with the public.”


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