We Need A Red Green Alliance More Than Ever
Against the background of a paralysed government and an imploding Tory party, with an election increasingly likely in the near future, the hope of any kind of Red-Green Alliance looks increasingly remote. Whilst Labour scraped home in the Peterborough by-election last week, with the lowest share of the vote for any winning by-election candidate since 1918, seven newly elected Green Party MEPs took their places in the European Parliament. Jeremy Corbyn said " write Labour off at your peril " and offers it as the only alternative party of government ,whilst Sian Berry tells Green Party Conference that Labour are one of the ' old parties' who are responsible for ' breaking politics'. It is however an alliance which is needed more than ever. With the climate crisis finally beginning to get the attention it demands, and with public services on the brink of collapse, co-operation between Labour and Greens could offer a genuine and radical alternative. In the pe...